
School is In

“Why, then, was the law given? It was given alongside the promise to show people their sins. But the law was designed to last only until the coming of the child who was promised. God gave his law through angels to Moses, who was the mediator between God and the people.” Galatians 3:19

Earlier in this chapter, Paul talks about the promise God gave to Abraham and his child. The child being talked about was Jesus and 430 years later, God gave the law to Moses.

The question that Paul wants to answer is, Did the law replace the promise? He goes on to say, if the inheritance could be received by obeying the law, there would be no need for the promise.

Paul gets into the depths of New Testament theology as he makes comparisons of the promise and the law. As history is reviewed, we know that man couldn’t live by the guidance of his own conscience. As a result, God send the Great Flood. Even after the flood, men had a hard time living righteous lives. In response, God called Abraham to move away from his homeland and gave him the promise that would last throughout the rest of human existence.

After being in slavery for 400 years, God’s chosen people really didn’t know right from wrong, therefore God gave them the law through Moses.

God wasn’t trying to control them, or be a dictator to them. No, Paul tells us the law was a guide. The law was given so they would know if they were going off course morally and spiritually. The way Paul says it makes it pretty clear: The Law was given alongside of the promise.

When Jesus came on the scene, he didn’t abolish the law, he fulfilled it. Now the promise becomes even more evident because of what Jesus did on the cross which includes everyone who believes in him. Living in God’s grace frees us from the law – as we stay on the pathway of that grace. But if we don’t, the law will school us back toward Jesus.

Lord thank you for the law. It is the school master that puts us back on course when we stray. But we especially thank you for the head master who is Jesus.

The “3 Minutes Alone with God” devotional Books by Robin McKinley are available on Amazon


“David was greatly distressed because the men were talking of stoning him”. 1 Samuel 30:6

The men that followed David were the lowest of the low, probably men who had been rejected in other circles of life. The one man who led them and made warriors of them, created wealth for them and gave them purpose, was the one they now wanted to kill. The situation they found themselves in was: while David and his men were gone, the Amalekites raided their town, burned it to the ground and carried off their women, children and everyone else.

David’s men did not realize that he too, lost his wives. Did they not understand they too had a price on their head just as David did? And now they want to kill the one who was caring for, providing for and hiding them.

These men though did not react much differently than people do today. If we find our self in a bad situation or are thrust into the middle of a hard circumstance, right away we want to make a rash decision. Oh, the decision doesn’t make much sense, but then we are not looking for a sensible decision. We are just wanting to do something; to blame someone. Some even go as far as blaming God for where they are in their life.

David quickly got his wits about himself and inquired of the Lord. And of course God gave him the answer. We often pull up to God’s drive through window service. We tell God what is bothering us almost the same way we would order a hamburger. Then we drive around the building expecting to get a quick answer, as if we are picking up our order and carrying it on our way.

Fortunately God doesn’t work that way. He wants to sit with us. He tells his disciples “Come and dine.” In Revelation he says, open the door and let me in so we can eat together. He wants to spend time with us. There are no drive-thru answers with the Lord.

Lord, help us to keep our wits about us and to be patient as we wait for your answer to our situation.

The “3 Minutes Alone with God” devotional Books by Robin McKinley are available on Amazon


What a Battle Plan!

“Set an ambush behind the city .” Joshua 8:2
Sometimes we get our self into a place in our thinking where we just need an attitude check. One year, after having a wonderful season, the Kentucky Basketball team lost the final game of the SEC tournament. This lesson showed them they were not indestructible. Then in the biggest tournament of the season that attitude check readjusted their thinking. When competing for the national championship they came out playing with more vigor than ever.
This is what happened to the Israelites early in the book of Joshua as well. The spies said, “The city of Ai is a piece of cake, we only need a couple of thousand men and we’ll have them.” Their self-absorbed attitude got the best of them. It took three dozen men to lose their lives, before they decided to check with the Lord. Even though it was sin in their own camp that caused their problems, they stepped back to take another look at the enemy. The sin in the camp was taken care of and this time they inquired of the Lord. Under his guidance the battle strategy was much different.
The new plan which was in tune with God was, don’t take the enemy for granted and learn how the enemy will respond in a given situation. That is exactly what they did. They offered the enemy the same scenario as before. This time they staged a few men who were running for their lives, but they were actually leading the army of Ai away from the city. It was far enough away so the real damage God called them to do could be done. Joshua, waiting in ambush with his army defeated the enemy.
Now as Christians there are two things we can learn about from this battle. First, when we are in tune with God and he instructs us to run from our enemies, it is because that is the battle plan. A plan designed to set our enemy up for defeat.
If however, we are not in tune with God and we run from our enemies, it is because we are afraid, and we are looking at a sure defeat. One in which we will certainly encounter some casualties.
Lord, help us to stay in tune with you and follow your battle plan. Your plan will always result in victory.
The “3 Minutes Alone with God” devotional Books by Robin McKinley are available on Amazon

Watch Out and Watch Up

Matthew 9:36

Growing up, we spent a lot of time at a farm just down the road from where we lived. Once you turned off the road onto the lane leading toward the farmer’s house, the barn and the pasture with the cows in it was on the left, and on the right was a fenced-in area that had sheep in it. I’m not sure why they had the sheep, I don’t remember the farmer doing anything with them. What I do know is they were very skittish. They responded only to the farmer, but with everyone else, they were very fearful and would run away from them. They didn’t follow any one sheep as their leader. No, fear got the best of them and they just ran in total confusion.

In that sheep pasture, there were some obstacles, large brush piles, and some old junk cars. When the sheep would begin to run, they would actually trip over these obstacles or quickly change their direction as they ran into one. It was a sad scene in that pasture in all their confusion.

Jesus observed the crowds of his day as being in the same state, sheep, without a shepherd, confused and helpless. It caused the Lord to have compassion for them.

Things haven’t changed much. The same thing is happening with people today as it did when Jesus walked the earth. People are spiritually confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. We have a tendency of being skittish and confused as we run in different directions. Even with the help of good spiritual leaders we still find ourselves running into the obstacles of life. We get ourselves backed into corners and then try to jump over things that are impossible to escape from.

But thank God we have a shepherd, a Good Shepherd. His name is Jesus, and he has just as much compassion for us today as he did when this verse of scripture was written. Our Good Shepherd will always protect us from any danger and will lead us down the path of righteousness. We will never need to be confused and helpless ever again.

Lord, thank you for protecting and leading us. Also, thank you for helping us avoid running into the obstacles of life.